
Cool Stuff for around Ten Dollars or Less

Grilled Cheese Toaster Bags

Grilled Cheese Toaster BagsIt was over 40 years ago that we landed a man on the moon.

Who would have ever imagined it would take this long to make to be able to make grilled cheese sandwiches in your toaster?

Thankfully, we finally have the freedom to rid ourselves of the frying pan and make our favorite toasted sandwich easily.  Each of these bags (this pack comes with two) is reusable up to 50 times, so that is a lot of yummy sandwiches!

Great gift for a bachelor, college student, or busy parents.



I’m a Believer! 

Frankly, I couldn’t imagine that these Toaster bags could possibly make a very good grilled cheese sandwich. As a matter of fact, I expected my toaster to be on fire shortly after I put the Toaster bag in it. But Instead I received a very tasty sandwich. I’m not sure how it works, but I really don’t need to. All I know is I had a tasty sandwich in nothing flat. Enough said.

Best grilled cheese ever! 

Best grilled cheese sandwich I have ever eaten. Faster, easier, not greasy like the kind you make in a skillet or griddle. Fewer calories and they are dishwasher proof!

These bags are great. 

They have lots of uses!! Reheat toast or pancakes without burning or drying out. Heat any (entire) sandwich. Just don’t let anyone throw them out. Wash and reuse.

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