
Cool Stuff for around Ten Dollars or Less

$9.56 $11.99 Buy it Now

Dashboard JesusWhy this product was ever made, or why we ever decided to add it to this site, only – well you know – knows.

I wonder if Carrie Underwood has one of these on the dash of her car?

It is probably not a good idea to take this dash ornament with you on your next tour through the middle East.  Just saying…..

Just like the real guy, he is cool, he is hip and he grooves to the tunes as you rumble down the road.  Now I’m not saying this guy is going to protect you or anything but it’s got to be better than the dancing hula girl currently gracing your dashboard.  Or perhaps a duo?  Hmmmmm


Did Not Help

I was driving down the road when I hit a ditch and ran off the road. I screamed, “Jesus, take the wheel!” as I ditched out of my car. That bobble head did NOT take the wheel. Would not buy again.

Thank you Jesus! 

My dashboard Jesus protects me in every way, I got pulled over the other day, as the cop was walking towards my car I was like “please don’t find the body in my trunk, please don’t find the body in my trunk”… and he didn’t!! Thank you Jesus!!

Cheaper than a locksmith 

I bought this because I keep leaving my keys in the ignition and locking myself out. So hoping the spring stretches long enough for Him to unlock the door for me next time. If He does, I’ll give this review more stars.

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